Baja Ha-Ha XXV 2019 Cruisers Rally
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Baja Ha-Ha XXVI


Doug and Leslie from Perspective.
Nice exposure, great smiles

The Grand Poobah sure hopes so, because while the start of the 2019 Baja Ha-Ha is seven weeks away — wait, that's just around the corner! — the deadline for the Meet the Fleet photos is necessarily much earlier. In fact, the deadline for the photos for the Latitude September issue Ha-Ha bio feature is on Tuesday.

Orion the cat from C'est La Vie.
The Poobah loves cats.

Unfortunately, only a fraction of the 120 paid entries have sent in photos. And the Poobah regrets to say that more than half of them are all but unusable because of poor exposure and/or the crew not being grouped close together.

The five members of the Kyrie family.
Excellent grouping of all the heads.
Can't wait to meet them

The Grand Poobah busts his butt to make every part of the Ha-Ha a good as it can be, and the Meet the Fleet bios and photos are a big part of it. As such, he's really looking for entries to provide interesting or at least reasonably exposed photos.

I've included some good examples received so far.

Rich and Laura of Tally Ho! as seen in
a previous Ha-Ha Here to Eternity
Kissing Contest. They also sent in
a great head and shoulders

Given today's excellent cell phone cameras, it's actually hard not to take a decent photo. Just have the subject stand in the shade, making sure the background is not bright. If there is more than one person, have the heads close together and everybody smiling. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds.

So please, if you're like the Poobah and want to make the Ha-Ha as good as it could be, please take a few minutes to take a couple of decent pictures of the skipper, skipper and mate, whole crew — it doesn't matter as long as there is a good exposure.

Then email it, large size is fine, to The sooner the better.

The mid-air shot of the skipper of Quijote,
the Hallberg Rassy 37. Points for originality.

Gracias. And can't wait to meet all of you!

Baja Ha-Ha, LLC
417 South Hill St., Suite 646
Los Angeles, CA 90013
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